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We believe in making the African Regional Integration Index web site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible…

All Africa

All Africa

Countries’ Scores and Rankings African leaders have long agreed on the benefits of regional integration. The question is how has that translated into reality? ARII’s findings show that…

How To Use the Index

Index Makeup ARII uses sixteen indicators, grouped into five dimensions, to measure how well each country and region in Africa is integrated with its neighbours. ARII also measures the state of…

Free Movement of People

Welcoming visa policies mean more business, more investment, and more innovation.  A welcoming visa environment makes it possible to scale up local ventures, build economies of scale, and…

Infrastructural integration

According to the 2018 edition of the African Development Bank’s Infrastructure Development Index, infrastructure investments account for over half of Africa’s recent economic growth.  This…

Macroeconomic Integration

The convergence and stabilisation of macroeconomic policies within a region creates a healthy financial climate that attracts cross-border investments.  The degree to which a country is…

Productive Integration

A country is well-integrated productively if its productive capacities complement those of other countries in the region; that is, if it specialises in stages of production where it has a…

Trade Integration

Africa has eliminated significant trade tariffs in recent years.  Yet tariffs are only one way of limiting trade. Non-tariff measures – sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, variances in…

Download the Data

ARII uses 16 indicators, grouped into five dimensions, to measure how well each country and region in Africa is integrated with its neighbours.  Technical differences between ARII 2016…